Lionel Richie France
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Nombre de messages : 330
Age : 62
Localisation : CAP D'AIL
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2006

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MessageSujet: 2 places à vendre   2 places à vendre Icon_minitimeMar 13 Nov 2012 - 9:36

Voici le message que je viens de recevoir. Une américaine qui m'avait contacté par l'intermédiaire du fan club international (car nous sommes placées juste à côté ........ au 2ème rang ) ne pourra pas assister au concert.
Si quelqu'un est intéressé pour pouvez la contacter par mail.
Merci d'avance.

I am so very sad but I am unable to make the trip to Paris to see Lionel on my 40th Birthday.

So I have TWO GREAT seats i purchased through the fan club early sales. Category 1T, they are second row I think?!!!!! Right next to Corrine. I was planning on meeting Corrine from French fan club there, buy my mom is in poor health so I think I should spend my birthday with my mom in the NorthWest and not my Lionel. Please let me know if anyone is interested in buying them, I want to give the Fan Club first dibs.

If you are interested, you can contact me directly at I can show you a pic of the seats on the map and we can figure out payment method etc. I need to get the actual print out for tickets and am having some issues with the site since it is in french, am using Google chrome to translate but I have my confirmation info and will figure that out in the next week.

Price I paid was 153.00 Euro, will see if there are any other taxes or expenses. I think it is only fair to sell at fan club price since our club is so amazing about giving us early specials, meet and greets, and an incredible network of support. Thank you to Kelli and crew, and thanks to Corinne for our new international friendship that stemmed from the club.

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